Monday, September 30, 2013

Health Power Point: Breakfast, Healthy Snacks, and Fast Food

Click on the picture to see the whole power point 

This week we are sticking with the nutrition topic but moving on to breakfast, fast food options, and healthy snack choices. The first topic is breakfast, many times our students do not eat breakfast because they wake up late, don't have time, or simply don't feel like it. The purpose of today is to make them aware of the importance of getting breakfast and why our body needs it. Next is making our students aware that their are some healthy options when eating at a fast food restaurant. Many times we are busy going from school to practices, to rehearsals and fast food is the only option to get some kind of dinner. This week we talked about what to look for and how to choose a meal that is not as unhealthy for you compared to other choices. And finally snack time generally means chips, cookies, or other options high in salt and low in nutritious value. We will discuss how to choose an appropriate snack for what you are doing. 

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